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Naturopathic Diagnostic Kinesiology

Naturopathic Diagnostic Kinesiology (NDK) is a two day course where you will learn to develop accurate diagnosis of the cause or causes of a presenting health complaint using kinesiology. 


Held by Sheryl Sivell Naturopath, the course teaches you to identify the causes of a patient's presenting complaint, and provide a clear plan to effectively alleviate both their symptoms and the cause.

It involves taking a very thorough case history, well beyond the standard medical or naturopathic case taking. You will be taught a system of muscle testing that enables you to determine the overall state of the health of the patient. From here, you will then be taught how to diagnose and prescribe accurately for any presenting health conditions. When used in conjunction with naturopathic tools such as iridology, homeopathy, flower essence, nutrition, and alike NDK accentuates your results. 


Sheryl has accumulated 30 years of education and experience working with acute and chronic patients, and has designed this course to educate fellow practitioners. It is both her passion and goal to share this knowledge with you.

To be involved in the next course, please email Sheryl with your expression of interest by clicking on the icon below.

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